Coaching For Organisations

My organisational coaching experience has led me to the following observation

  • People thrive in an organisation that recognises them and honours their strengths. They are more focused and creative in their work and more positive in their interactions with others.
  • An astute outsider who asks the pertinent questions can sometimes see dysfunctional dynamics and self-limiting assumptions to which the members of the organisation have adjusted.
  • People bring themselves to work.  We take on a professional role but we remain recognisably ourselves at work as at home.
  • For most people the ability to work cooperatively, to function skilfully within a team environment is a learned behavior.  We are all capable of this learning.
  • Employees and executives need periodic renewal.  Work is often hard.  My coaching is designed to help people renew and reinvent themselves, to find work and life more satisfying – to everyone’s benefit.

Coaching in the context of an organisation can involve working with individuals (executive coaching) or with teams. Customised coach training, either for an established team or for a group of selected individuals, can also be an effective option.


The coaching experience saved my career and sanity! Having an executive coach allowed me to privately express the issues that I was experiencing void of any politics and therefore was able arrive at solid solutions around business issues. The coaching also assisted me in handling the personalities up and down the chain of command affecting business performance or strategic direction.  The coaching experience helped me overcome many obstacles as a junior executive.  I would advise it  for anyone interested in the growth of their team’s problem solving capabilities, constructive professional interactions, and balanced decision making.
Robert Calamia, Vice President
National Field Operations
US Investigations Services