Leni Wildflower

Photo of Leni Wildflower

Leni Wildflower has 20 years experience as an executive coach, author and educator, working in the US, UK, Europe, China and Latin America. Her passion as a coach is to inspire clients to reach new levels of clarity and effectiveness.
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Logo for the International Coaching Federation
Logo for the International Coaching Federation

For further information or to book a place, please contact Leni Wildflower via the contact form.

Knowledge Based Coaching in the Work Place is a cost effective, intelligent, and efficient coach training program for internal coaches and interested individuals.
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Listen to a talk by Leni on ‘What is coaching? Knowledge Based Coaching in the Workplace‘:

Listen to a talk on YouTube by Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, on ‘Everybody Needs a Coach‘:

  • If you’re an individual seeking to develop personally or in your career, go to Coaching for Individuals.
  • If you represent an organisation interested in a customised programme, go to Coaching for Organisations.
  • If you want to develop a knowledge based coach training programme, or obtain accreditation from the International Coach Federation, go to Support for Coach Training.

For further information, please contact Leni Wildflower via the contact form.